Thursday, December 26, 2013

Love & The Law of Attraction

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O

The law of attraction is the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive thoughts, we can bring about positive results. By understanding and following this simple rule, you will be empowered to attract a lifelong partner. There is nothing you cannot be, do or have when you know how to activate and use this unlimited power that lies within you. Here are 10 ways to use the law of attraction to find and keep yoursoulmate.

1. Be positively clear about what you want in a mate. Each "failed" relationship has given you clues about what you want in your ideal partner. The problem is many women and men focus on the negative instead of the positve. For example, by saying that you don't want a man who "puts his work before the relationship" you are focusing on a man who puts work before love and that is the desire you are unconsciously sending out through your energy.

The good news is, if you know what you don't want, you know what you do want. Your power to create lies in your ability to choose thoughts that are positively clear, so that you can tell the universe exactly what you desire. ("I want a man who puts me first and loves me unconditionally.") You can tell if your affirmation is positive or negative by the way it makes you feel. If it makes you feel great, it is positive. If it makes you feel bad, it is negative. It's that simple! If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, simply turn them around and start focusing on the positive. You will immediately feel better and you will be in alignment with love

2. Continue to dream it. If you are ready for love, one of the best things you can do is get lost in day dreaming about your perfect mate. As you imagine your ideal partner, the universe receives these images as indicators of what to create in your life. In your imagination, you can create and improve on your desired relationship it until it meets your highest ideal. Once you have that ideal image in your mind, replay it over and over until one day soon you will find yourself actually living it. The power of your imagination is unstoppable and can transform your love life. Keep reading ...

3. Fall in love with yourself. You can't expect someone else to fall in love with you if you are not in love with yourself. When we judge or criticize ourselves, we send out an energy that repels others. Self-criticism is a negative energy that will repel potential mates. On the other hand, self-love is attractive and attracts potential mates. Make a list of ten characteristics you love about yourself and put this list where you can see it every day. It doesn't really matter what is on the list as long as it easily generates good feelings that you have toward yourself. The more you focus on what you love about yourself, the more self-love you will experience. Others will fall in love with you too, simply because it feels great to be around people who love themselves.

4. Say "no" to jealousy. It's natural to feel jealous when we see someone experiencing something we desire and don't have, but jealousy will actually keep love from coming to you. Jealousy is a negative emotion and will repel what you desire. Instead of feeling jealous, understand if you are seeing someone else living your dream, your dream is getting closer. So instead of being jealous, celebrate the love you see and bless all the lovingrelationships you witness. In this way, you are telling the universe to bring you some of that! (And it will!)

7. Enjoy yourself now. Don't wait forlove to find you in order to start living. You will attract what you are: if you are a couch potato, you will attract a coach potato. If you desire a mate who is active, goes skiing and likes to read, you better start jogging, getting on the slopes and hanging out in Barnes & Noble. Don't wait for him/her to arrive in order to live your best life. Start living your best life right now and you will become super attractive so that special person will be able to spot you in a crowd — because you shine.

8. Become the future you. There is a current "singleyou" and a future partnered or married you. One of the best ways to use the law of attraction to attract your perfect guy or girl is to become the person who is already in the relationship. This is how it works: think of yourself now and think of yourself in your perfect relationship. How are you different? Who do you become once you are in the relationship? Maybe your answer is, "I become relaxed, confident, loving and kind." Your answer is your clue to who you must become now.

9. Get your beliefs in order. Examine your beliefs about love and clean up any beliefs that don't support attracting, having and keeping your perfect relationship ("I'm not attractive enough" ... "I don't make enough money" ... "All the good ones are taken"). The universe has a way of making your beliefs true, so if a belief doesn't support what you really want, it is time to drop it and develop beliefs that do. The universe responds to your feelings about yourself; if you are feeling unworthy or undeserving, the universe reflects this back.

10. Don't question how it will happen. Your job is to clearly and positively define what you most desire and to get in alignment with your desire through all the ways described above. Your job is not the how. Don't get caught up on how it's going to happen. We live in a magical universe that can bring you exactly what you desire in the most amazing and even unbelievable ways. Getting caught up in the how can actually impede the law of attraction. If you are trying to control the how, you are likely getting in the way and making it more difficult than it has to be. Instead, let go of any ideas about how it has to happen and allow the universe to do its magic.

This doesn't mean you sit home and do nothing. The difference is that you await inspired action. Inspired action is that sudden feeling you should go the coffee shop even if you are not thirsty or you should get gas on the other side of the street. The law of attraction communicates to you through your intuition so make sure you are listening and following those gut feelings. Most of all, be open to all possibilities — you never know how the universe will deliver.

Stay tuned for next blog entry. It gets deeper! ...

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Being Clear About What You Want

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O I received an article the other day stating, clear purpose attracts men. 

"When you are 100% clear about what you want out of life, amazing things begin to happen. For example, good friends, success, quality men and happiness, etc 
Being laser beam clear about your life's goals, life's purpose and dreams and what your place is in this world is, will create magic to transform your dreams into reality". 

" when you are not clear on what you want, you become the supporting character in someone else's life" your life vision is about you, your goals and your dreams. Clarity about who you are and what you want attracts the type of men you are looking for. And when you are crystal clear about how you envision your relationship to be, it's like you send out a magical invitation for the perfect man to join your life" awwww , there's beauty in the law of attraction. 

Be crispy clear about your desires and be honest with yourself. There is nothing wrong with wanting it all. When I was in my early 20's , I use to allow men to talk me out of my standards, but now that I'm 31, please. Be clear on what you want, to the T... And do not be ashamed to say so, because that's being unclear and it's dishonoring what you deserve. 

What is it that you want? What is it that you deserve? Remember, be clear! 
You will never get what you want, as long as you are not clear on your hearts desires. Just look at the type of men you attract, to better prove this point. If you are not attracting the type of men of your hearts desires, think quietly on the fact that, perhaps you are sending unclear visions into the universe. You get what you send out, rather you choose to believe it or not! So meditate on what you want and do not let time ween you away. Be patient! 

Mr. Goody Two Shoes

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Ever met this guy? 


He's smart, educated , smooth, says all the right stuff , maybe a little narcissistic, has the gift of gab, and most of all, he seems too good to be true. He may even go to church. 


He may wear glasses, wear suits, dress conservatively, walk and act like a nerd, he may even be a poindexture or what would be considered a good guy. He may also be extremely mannerable. 

Where he can be found: 

School campuses for sure, work, Greek functions , documentaries, plays, at nerd movies , blockbuster, church, bookstores, online game websites, porn sites, eharmony, chat rooms of all sorts, meetup, etc 

What my point is?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

So Do you want to get MARRIED?

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O If you want to get married, read this article.  let's analyze. 

What kind of men are you attracting now?

What kind of crap are you putting up with? 

Are you happy?

Does this guy treat you like a princess? 

Are you living your love life in a way that mocks what the core values of what you would like to have in the long term? 

If you want to get married and have children some day, 1st let's try and leave douche bags where they belong. For thou cannot throw what is sacred to swine & that's biblical. Always remember that, where there is no vision, the people will perish. You can and will never have a true life filled with love and happiness with a guy who's a time waster to begin with. A man who has long term intentions will act and treat you in a manner that suggests that. You will feel his love inside and out. It won't just be pillow talk. Just as you can feel the love that a man has for another woman; we'll it should be the same with a man that loves you. Everyone will know that he loves you , including you. Why do we as women put ourselves through such bullshit for nickels and dimes? Why do we secretly believe that Mr. Nobody will give us diamonds and pearls? If he has small change, he can't afford a barrel. We have to be more logical and smart about our love choices, period. 

Let's get this straight, love does not hurt and it does not break your spirit. Love is easy and breezy. For God is love! Relationships may not be all that easy but loving someone is, you just do. It's not science. 

If you want real love, marriage or even babies one day, stop, think fast!! Ween the time wasters out now. If you are 25 and up, you should be dating emotionally available men & marriage material men and you should definitely be in a marriage ready relationship. Remember men can make babies all their life,  where as, many women may have babies at a late age but after 40 is pushing it. We can't not bare children our entire lives like men. You have to think smart. Your best breeding years will be early on. Do not waste time. In the words of Bruce Lee, " if you enjoy life, don't waste time, because life is made up of time". That's the best advice anyone could give! If you hate life, waste time, for life is made up of time. 

Men don't waste time, for that reason you will see yourself in a long relationship only for it to end and he end up marry someone shortly afterwards. Men don't waste time, but they're ok with wasting yours. Do what you want with your time, but Do not allow anyone to waste your precious time, for time is of the essence. If you want true happiness, get some real friends, who will love and support you and have your back. Learn to ween out time wasters in males and do not settle for crumbs, men nor relationships that won't get you any closer to the alter. 

Do not be jealous of others who have found love, celebrate them, for one day you may be them and someone may envy you. 
Do not be worrisome over a man who isn't ready for Iove or one who is emotionally unavailable. Why you ask? Because that's like wasting time. Forget about him and keep it pushing, you have a love one to catch and he ain't it. 

As stated on KPFK radio, " are you living your life in a way that mocks your values? Well are you? 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

For Christmas

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Hello brothers and sisters, 

I usually don't talk about Christmas and holidays in Scorpio season, no nu uh! But here's why I will today.

As the holidays slowly approach, we begin to reflect on what we have and what we don't have. During holidays we show thankfulness for what we are blessed to have. In other cases, we may show disappointment & be reminded by what we don't have and be reminded of those we miss. It's the norm of what the holidays bring out of you. Do not fret, be strong! Don't think of Mr. Hurtful this season, because if her was worthy of your time, he would be by your side anyway. 

If you are single these holidays and don't want to be, I understand, for I am single too. On the brighter side of things, I am not alone. I am blessed and the bible teaches us that, God will never leave us nor forsake us, therefore, you are never alone, even at your most lonely period. I know for some of us who are going through breakups, disappointment , heartache, grief and or a range of other things find the holidays to be bitter sweet, aka, the most happiest and depressive period of the year. I get that and I understand you. My heart goes out to you; I've been there. I know how hurtful it feels. 

I am here, however, to through, a curve ball, if you will. Instead of focusing on our problems and heartaches this holiday season, I am asking you to do something different. Let's pray for someone else's happiness. If I pray for you and you pray for me, we'll all be one happy family. Pray for world peace and for people who are suffering, to be happy this holiday season. Be thankful, for someone always has it worst than you. Join me in praying for someone else's happiness this holiday season. 

Thank You 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Woman That Has It All

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Hello,

A woman that has it all, ever heard of her? She's the one that runs the Fortune 500 companies. She's pretty, elegant, independent, opinionated, educated and successful. She's a queen, a Goddess and Doesn't she sound ideal? Full package, huh?

Yes, we'll unfortunately, just because you have it all does not mean that any man can handle it all. In fact, just because you have good traits doesn't mean a man will exactly want that. Some men actually like  weak women. In the words of a long lost friend, " unrighteous men marry unrighteous women". Some men like unaccomplished women, especially the insecure men who need an ego boast. Some men like when you are on the hush hush! Some men are threatened by women who are educated. Some men don't like independent, strong women. Men are attracted to whatever is good, however, that doesn't mean that they always end up with a good woman. Most men like to be in power and if he is insecure he might look at your good traits as his downfall. Men know something we dont. They know that if they aren't a good man, not to seek after a good woman.

Only a good man wants a good woman. Like attracts like. 

Yes, be proud of your accomplishments , and especially wear your good traits on your sleeve, but before you flaunt your goodness to another, be sure that the man you sale it to can handle it. 

You must get a man that wants a good woman. One that feels he deserves you and knows that you deserve him. 

And forget about selling yourself to the guy that could care less.

The Voodoo

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1OAs you all should know Voodoo/ witchcraft is of the devil, period! Anybody performing it should be rebuked. I don't do anything without the presence nor the permission of God. Although women are usually classified as doing withcraft, love spells and etc, men can also do the same. I had a couple of crazy exes try it on me. 

My point is, be weary of that stuff. For there is nothing wrong with spiritual rituals, as long as it is aligned with God and is confirmed by God. Whatever does not feel right is not right. Women,  have some self esteem! Don't feel so desperate that you discount that love is of God. Have some faith! 

The next edition of this blog will discuss men who can and have also performed witchcraft love spells. 

Have you ever felt love from a man that was so Svengali, you couldn't figure it out?

Definition. Svengali: A person who has a stronghold over a person. A person who manipulates, brainwashes and has control over someone. 

When you're in a situation that you just can't figure out. I mean, he's crazy, ugly, mean, disrespectful, disloyal, abusive, not your type and especially not your equally yoked, yet you can't leave him alone; red flag. If this is so, you bets check yourself because you may be under a love spell. 

Love is God. Love is patient, love is easy, love is not boastful, love is not hurtful and love is not impatient & love never fails. 

If you are in a questioning situation, get to praying right now. Release all strongholds, rebuke and reverse all spells , hexes and curses today. Let your intuition be your guide. If you have been subjected to doing withcraft on a man, repent today , stop that and remove that curse. Let a person love you freely. Don't be unGodly, desperate nor insecure. 

Until Next time 

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Scorpio Bday

I want to take this time, the only day I have in a year where I think only of myself. I'd like to give myself a Shout out!!

Happy Birthday to me!

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Desensitize yourself from any hurt that you could ever receive from a man. 

Desensitization is something that a person does to make themselves insensitive and or non reactive to something that is harmful. 

Think of the worst things that could happen in a relationship. I'm talking the things that make you really sad. Try and role play those things in your head, as if those things are happening to you. Once you do this, you can't be touched and less than likely, those things will happen to you, why you ask? Because it won't bother you enough to resist it and what you resist persist. You attract what you fear. This will help you not attract those things into your life, once you desensitize yourself from those things that eat you up. 

Try it! Raise your esteem today, instead of walking in fear of those things that can break your spirit! Desensitization is a way of taking your power back and looking those harmful things in the face and saying , NO! 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dear Jacob :

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Reflecting on the text that my bishop spoke on at Sunday service. Jacob, the back stabber was mentioned.

Jacob was one of the great patriarchs of the Old Testament, but at times he was also a schemer, liar, and manipulator.

Does this man sound familiar? 

Jacob is the man who is a liar and deceiver. He tells you want you want to hear. He comes to destroy & never to build. He is cunning, charismatic and convincer. No matter how sweet he comes off, you end up feeling effed in the end!

The Jacob is also the manipulator, aka, the wolf dressed in sheep clothing. He lies, cheats, schemes, & tries to get over on you. He doesn't care about you! He only looks out for his own best interest. 

Do you know Jacob? If so it's time to raise your vibration! Before Jacob was turned into the great, he was all of those bad things. Get rid of the Jacobs and get yourself a Kyle. (New & improved Jacob)

A Kyle is God sent & he comes into your life to lift you up! Ηε wants to love you. He cares about your feelings. Kyle brings out the best in us all! He's dreamy, handsome and only has eyes for you. 
Kiss Jacob goodbye & honor your worth and get a Kyle. 

I heard a spiritual advisor on the radio station ask, are we living our lives in a way that, mocks our value? 

I ask you the same. Are you living your romantic love life in a way that mocks your value? If so, stop that? 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Make me feel like non other

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O I don't need a man that makes me feel bad or doesn't treat me like the special spirit that I am. I also don't need a man that speaks about his ex, what he and his ex had and what he did for her , blah , blah , blah! That's their love story. Boring zzzzzzz What I'm in process of creating right now is, my very own west side love story. I don't need noones barrowed , run Down scripts. Got my own self as the star actress for my movie. I got my own co actors & I already have background actors. I have my scene , my props , stages , lighting , and cameras, plus scripts. I got this! What I don't need is a hammy down. No thanks , got my own story!

Men who talk about their exes and what they think they had with them discusses me. & shame on you!!  That type of behavior will never unlock the key to my love. Have some respect for your present , because your present is a gift. I never speak on my exes because I have respect for my present situation. Plus, when I'm over it, I'm over it! Take my advice men, move on>>>. What men need to understand is that, they contribute a great deal to women and their self esteem issues. To my male followers out there: You want to know how to stop a woman from complaining, crying , yelling, nagging and feeling sad?  effing treat her like the one and only. Treat her like a queen! Don't cheat on her, mistreat her, disrespect her, ignore her ,down play her, not make her feel like a diamond and expect a decent woman! Stop it with the non sense! Treat a woman right or be without a woman. It's your choice.  Men want respect, love, to feel smart and to feel like a man. There is no way a man can feel such things, if he brings about the wrong emotional state in a way , that leads to him loosing respect from her, & his manhood. It takes two to bring about the right emotions , in order to elicit the love a woman needs and the love a man needs. 

You want to impress me? You want to get and keep my attention, here's an idea: 

Love me, stupido
Be a masculine man
Care about me. - Don't look for a handout , have something to offer me
Caress my mind, make love to it 
Respect who you're in front of 
Appreciate me
Adore my special 
Never ever cheat! 
Most of all, create this love story with me
Never speak of an ex to me! 
You must 1st give to me what you've never given another woman!

Get to work buddy. 
Good movies are classics that last forever in a day and they take years to make. & I'm a whole lot of woman! 👠💋

The 4th Law

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O In the book, 48 Laws of Power , written by Robert Greene, the 4th law is , " SAY LESS" 

"Never start moving your lips before the subordinates do. The longer you keep quiet , the faster your opponent will speak and reveal their own intentions". 

" if the sovereign is not mysterious, the minister will find opportunity to take and take". = message! 

Be watchful & remember to never speak to a man until first , he speaks. 

& less is more, with men

Cognitive Thinking (How to Re-wire Your Brain)

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O

I listened to a great episode today on KPFK radio. Shout outs to Pacifica radio!! If you are ever seeking deep rooted, psychological answers, KPFK has a host of psychologists and spiritual teachers, that appear on the show almost daily. Today's episode was about changing your brain chemistry, so that you can get the life you deserve. The author stated that, your brain adapts to whatever feeling you tell it to have. For example, If I decide I want to feel good, happy, sad, mad, depressed, doubtful ,etc , the signals will be sent to my brain and my brainwaves will adapt to that which I tell it. It was said that, we tell our brains what to do. He also said that our actions make up 90% of our unconscious mind, while 10% of our actions are made up by our conscious mind. Both entities are powerful because , the 10% of your brain directs the 90% , while the 90% controls your behavior. It was said that our conscious mind tells our unconscious mind how to influence our thinking and behavior. 

Tell your mind what you want it to do & your brain has to respond to the brainwaves that have been programmed. 

In addition to that, it was stated that, the right ear controls the left side of the hemisphere, which is connected to language , processing, analyzing and logical thinking. And the left ear controls the right side of the hemisphere. The right side of the brain is connected to creativity and emotional expression , thoughtfulness, and intuition. The frontal lobe , also known as the crown & the third eye is the part of a person that puts their all into receiving messages. It is said that if you really want to be heard, switch ears! When talking to a man or needing to get your points across, talk in the persons left ear. It is best that people face you head on and or listen with their left ear, to recieve messages. Begin observing peoples emotional responses when talking to you. Notice what their response is when facing you and or listening to you from the left or right side. 

The human brain is divided into two hemispheres–left and right. Scientists continue to explore how some cognitive functions tend to be dominated by one side or the other; that is, how they are lateralized.

Most people prefer to be addressed in their right ears in everyday settings and are more likely to do a favor when the request is received in their right ears rather than their left ones, new research suggests.

It is also said that you have the exact life you designed, therefore this works, just change the source and dynamic. Tell your brain what you want it to do. Try to focus more on ears, don't forget to pray and get the life you deserve. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Correct vs Incorrect Behavior

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Correct Behavior vs Incorrect Behavior. 

   As I move forward with the knowledge God is giving me, I realize more and more. A mans behavior is either correct or incorrect. 

I'll start with the bad and end with the good! 

- If a man is not of God, that is not correct behavior. Let him get corrected

-When a man calls after 10pm and he's not your man, that's incorrect behavior 

-When a man calls you names or teases you, that's also incorrect behavior 

- When a man blows hot and cold, that's incorrect behavior 

- If a man buys you nothing for your birthday, that's incorrect behavior. & he must go 

- If a man does not take you seriously for the holidays nor does he take you seriously, as in being apart of his life, that's incorrect behavior. 

- If a man is causing stress in your life, to any extent, that's incorrect behavior.

- If a man is negative , get rid of him because that too is, incorrect behavior. 

- If a man is passing his anxiety and stressful language off as passion, when in fact , it is intensity and stress, that's also incorrect behavior! 

- If a man is full of shit , blows you off, changes dates, cancels on you , forgets about you, that's incorrect behavior. 

- If a man Just plain out gets on your nerve, that's incorrect behavior. 

- If a man puts his hands on you and disrespects you, that's also incorrect behavior. 

-  If a man was at first treating you delightful and then suddenly stopped and  his true colors now show, that is incorrect behavior

- A guy who is a prick, asshole, meanie, aggressor, has a funky attitude , disses you , is not a gentleman, not a winer nor a diner , is a man with incorrect behavior. 

- A man that can't handle you = incorrect 

- A man who acts like a b****

Correct Behavior is As Follows, 

- A man of God! 

- A man who respects you

- A man who loves and adores you

- A man who will never stop loving you 

- A man that Will never cheat! 

-  A gentleman 

- A man that only sees me 

- A man who has pure eyes for you 

- A man who has your back 

- A man that will always love you the same , even more! 

- A man that cares about your soul 

Follow me on twitter @Relationships1O

When He Blows Hot & Cold

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Hello, 

   Good afternoon! 

Today I want to discuss a man blowing hot and cold. He blows hot and he blows cold. Is that the way to go? No , why? Because things in life consistently travel in one direction, in its own position, one at a time. When a shift occurs, it flows in a new direction. A man blowing hot and cold is contradictory. You either want to be hot or cold. 

The human body temprature should be about 98.4, which is classified as normal body temperature. Anything over, for example, 100.2 is considered too high and definitely abnormal, and would be considered a fever. Anything too low , for example, let's say 32.4 is abnormal. My body temperature is in the normal range of functioning. In fact, my body temprature remains stable. Therefore, a man liking you, wanting you , and loving you can remain consistent as well. My body temprature does not blow hot and cold.  Therefore why would I have a relationship that contradicts my mind body & soul! 

Do not allow a man to contradict you. Do not allow a man to disrespect you. You are not a puppet nor an object! 

Follow me @Relationships1O

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Say Nothing!

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O One thing I know about men is, they are proficient and there is a method to their madness. They are brilliant , brilliant , brilliant. Why not mimic some of their efforts. 

For example, women are way too talkative and expressive about everything. Just let it be. 

You can find out so much about how you feel , when you say nothing. Be silent , be easy and let it flow, instead of resisting everything. Resistance is a form of non acceptance. When you accept, you don't resist and you don't deny. Men resist nothing. They don't tell you to change and they don't try and change you. Men accept you as you are and deal with you as you are. They learn early on if they can and will put up with you. 

Learn to be quiet and listen to your feelings and emotions. Be a mystery. Quiet your mind and let your spirit reveal to yourself. When I was a quiet person once a pon a time, I completely accepted others for who they were. I had no stress. I'm in aww of that. I was very in tuned with what I would put up with.  Silence is showing respect for your spirit, thoughts, feelings and ideas. Not everything is response worthy. 
Notice how men never complain nor say much about what they're feeling. They don't wear their hearts on their sleeves whatsoever. 

I'm not saying deal with a man's mess. What I'm saying is, learn to receive and discet what a man throws at you by silencing yourself. Once you know, act accordingly. 

So if he acts right, allow yourself to feel right , but if he does wrong, allow yourself to fall out of like or love with him.
Feel what he is! Just act accordingly. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Woman Who Made 300 Sandwiches To Earn Engagement Ring

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1OHave you heard of this woman? This pretty girl who took on a challenge that her boyfriend gave her of making 300 sandwiches, in order to earn an engagement ring. Now if you have read my previous blog entries, you should know what I'm thinking. 

What the hell!! Sistah are you that insecure that you need to prove to a man that you can make 300 sandwiches, in order to prove your worth for a wedding ring? You've got to be kidding me. What makes this guy so special? Would you even do this for a brotha? Please. He should be making you the sandwiches and gourmet meals. Isn't he the chief? Let him prove his self to you? Her man even made a comment in an article that, we as women  spend so much time reading articles on how to keep a man , when all we have to do is, do something nice like, make a sandwich for him. Pahaaaa lol pleaseeeee. First of all women, he does have a point. There are so many how to articles directing  women for what to do, to get and keep a man and there shouldn't be. A woman is a prize to a man and she must know this. Stop trying to pursue a man and let him make 300 sandwiches to earn your love. Men are now in a position to sit back , collect our confidence and feel like the prize , while women become aggressors in order to win a mans affection but it is not the nature of a woman to do so. Allow nature to take its course, please. Let the man court and pursue you. 

In every animal kingdom, this basic knowledge is innate. 

Men are special, yes! And I love them but if we don't start honoring our crowns, and stop treating them, as if they are the golden prize, when they want and need us, can't live without us and yearn for what is between our legs, we will never embrace our feminine power!

Follow me @Relationships1O

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Be No- Non Sense

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1OBe no non-sense with these dudes at all times. Men are supcetiable for regressing  back into their toddler days, so do not give him an outlet to be a child. Influence him towards manhood by choosing not to react to any of his foolishness. Do not respond nor react to any of his bullshit, ever!! With men, you must constantly monitor your thoughts and feelings, always. I'm not saying be a basket case, all I'm saying is, know thyself. Know what floats your boat. Always know how you feel with a man because either he's trying to make you feel good or bad! 

Know if he's trying to make you feel good or bad at all times. Be no non sense with these dudes. One thing I notice about dudes is, they are sensitive to their feelings at all times! If he acts up, cut Him loose immediately. I know it sounds harsh but in my 30 years,I've learned that, men don't change if , rarely. You can give them chance after chance all you want but the real him lies inside and either you want people to be ingenuine or real. You can't change anyone, especially not a man, so you mine as well accept that. Men understand this very well. Men learn quick! They are very judgmental and weary of whom they let close to their heart. Men are only in a woman's life because she makes him feel good or she's giving him what he wants. They don't care about anything else and nor should you. Get your needs met for a change and dismiss a fool, who's cutting up and misbehaving. 

Be no none sense at all times and in fact, be that way with all people. 

Follow me @Relationships1O

Does he like you or love you?

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Like! What a precious word. We grew up with this word. It's the first term you used to describe your first crush in elementary " I like you" , "Do you like me, (yes) or (no)? Remember those cutsie letters we wrote in school to one another. Like was such a powerful word. In fact, being liked or disliked is something you depended on in your childhood. Now, as an adult , we still hear the words, "I like you" from men. It's something that has carried over from childhood in so many cases, however, we're grown now! Super grown! A woman should not aim to hear words like, "I like you" and a grown man still using such a phrase should grown up and slap himself. We are women ANd as a woman we deserve to hear more romantic language from a man because , "like"doesn't get you to the alter nor close to his heart. "Like" is for the birds. Real men have "feelings". At this day and age, a man, who has the hots for you should be able to communicate that with words like, "attraction, feelings, in love, enchanted, smitten, etc". Using words, such as, "like" is, not only juvenile but it communicates a hidden message of how surfaced the relationship is, how far it will go and how mature he is. You want a man that can look you deep into your eyes and say, "I love you"! " I have feelings for you"! " I am attracted to you" , not some cheesy , " I like you a lot" line. 
In the words of a relationship therapist, that I met, " we want to get past the like stages and dating stages of a relationship and move into commitment and I love you's! 

Get over a man who just "likes" you or "likes you a lot" and move towards a mature man that has feelings and deep seething attraction for you. One who can't live without you. One who comes into your life to heal you. One who is committal to you. 

Follow me @ Relationships1O

Does He Still Have It?

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Many men just want to see if they still have it. They may call you out of the blue and try to rekindle things with you, to end up in the same predictament that they left off at, and all for what? Just to see if they still have it. Who has time for that? The keys to knowing if a man is using for an ego boast is, his behavior. A man that has messed up in the past, who is trying to re-enter your life, yet is not changing his behavior, which will ultimately lead him back to where he left off previously is , definitely a man just testing to see if he still has it. A man who claims to like you, yet throws scraps your way and nothing intimate nor romantic at all is, testing to see if he still has it. A man texting , calling or just plain out trying to hit is, a man testing to see if he still has it! A man sending mix messages, i.e., push/pull or avoidant/ approach, aka , blowing hot N cold is a man testing to see if he still got it! A man doing nothing for you is a man who wants to know if he still has it. Don't let this punk man use you. Let him test his muscles on some other bimbo, just not you! If he didn't get it right the first time , chances are , he won't get it right next time around and usually when a man comes back into your life, to only continue his bad behavior, that ultimately lead to his dismissal in the first place he is A) a time waster and B) testing to see if he still has it! 

Teach him a lesson 

Follow me @ Relationships 1O

Monday, September 23, 2013

Hills , Heals or heels

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O This blog entry is to reassure you that, we as women should no longer take the scraps men throw us. If a man comes into your life, he must come correct, period!  Meaning that, he must be God sent, committal, intellectual, ready to love, and be on point and that's a 1st priority. If a man comes into your life for all the wrong reasons, then he's coming into your life, to waste your time only. In my opinion, a man either comes into your life to heal you or hurt you. Either he heals the past or adds to the hurt. So lets get this straight. Is it Heals, Hills, or Heels?

If a man wants to be in your life and he is not head over hills for you ,then he can hit the hills and see the bottom of your heels as you walk away! I hope they're red bottoms too, lol 

With a man, if it's not a head over hills and be healed thing, he needs to just hit the hills! 

Heals, Hills or Heels? You choose. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

If You Don't Have Him

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Know that , God has given you everything. You have everything you need. Whatsoever you need, your father in heaven will give it to you. You have whatever you need , so If you don't have him , you obviously don't need him. If she can steal him and or he can leave, he was never yours and if you don't have him in your life , you don't need him! ;)

The Main Ingredient

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Hello Friend, I know you miss me and I miss you too. Muah

Today's topic is , main ingredients. With relationships , I am realizing for myself that relationships should consist of main ingredients. I know we all have standards and so do I, which I expect to be met. I'm all about women getting what they want but hey! On the other hand, it's easy to let some things go, if the main ingredients are being met. For instance, you cannot make a cake without , main ingredients; flour, or eggs, but you can make one without the extra toppings that are sometimes added in the cake mix, such as, nuts, pineapple, Carmel, etc all that matters in a relationship is, the main ingredients. Does he have them or is he lacking?

If a man is everything I need him to be, I can personally do without the other foolishness , if I had to. As long as he has what it takes , we can work out the rest ;)

Trust God. Put God first

Saturday, August 24, 2013

New Twitter page

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Hello boo's the new twitter name has been changed to @relationships1O

Follow us and get updates more frequently!

Friday, August 9, 2013

2 Feel Goood!

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O A relationship author wrote these words, " go from needy to, I don't need him". True words spoken. When you are needy of a man, you suddenly become empowered. When ever you are losing your power, as discussed in previous blogs, repeat those words. It helps ground you. If a man is not pursuing you, nor making you feel secure , loved, adored, uplifted and not putting you first, then you can forget about feeling confident. And if its one thing I can't stand, it's a feminine man. I cannot stand a feminine man.

The best way to get your power back is, need him not. Don't be needy and make sure you are dating a man that is honoring you in every way.

7 Things Done That Men Find Attractive

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Seven Things That You Do On The Regular That Men Find Attractive

Reported By: Britt L

s*x appeal has been exercised by women everywhere. Flashing cleavage, sporting b**t pads and even longer weaves were believed to catch a mans attention. But the truth is, all of the miscellaneous things women do to become more attractive isn’t what captures a mans attention.
According to a survey done by Reddit, men were asked what are some things that women do that they find irresistible or, down right sexy. The answers were more innocent than s****l. Surprising right?
Ladies, these 7 normal things you do on the regular that might seem tiny to you, makes your man or men around you all the more attracted.
1. The Putting-On-Tight-Jeans Dance
In the early morning, when you’re both preparing for the day ahead, you struggle to wiggle into those too tight jeans, but that’s something your man would love to see. Something about grunts and frustration and watching you take 10 minutes squeezing into a size six when you’re an eight, melts the coldest of hearts in a man.

2. Stretching
Stretching can give your man something to look at, especially if you’re bending over or showing extreme flexibility. Also, having your arms stretched in the air, back arched and head up gets your man rattled, so go and try some yoga with him!
3. Flipping Of The Hair
This is probably the most deliberate and seductive gesture on this list. Almost every romantic comedy makes light of how some women have a patented way of flipping their hair to get a man’s attention. Slow strokes of the fingers through luscious locks? How is that NOT sexy?
4. Sneezing
In general, men are rough, callous, dirty, unkempt, hairy and lumbering. So it should come as no surprise that much of what they find so attractive in women is, well, their opposite attributes: their grace, tenderness and smoothness. And nowhere is that contrast more apparent than when you sneeze. Men tend to sneeze loudly and powerfully, like miniature volcanoes bursting; women, on the other hand, tend to have high-pitched, endearing sneezes.
5. Biting The Lips
Spend time in coffee shops or college libraries and just observe women (in as un-creepy a way as you can manage), and you will see the famous lip bite. Many a heart has been melted, songs written and duels fought, over this small, thoughtless gesture. The lip bite indicates want, and desire.
6. Touching Gently
Think of the first time you touched your boyfriend or husband. It was sensual right? Not an accidental brushing of arms but something deliberate, infused with s****l tension and romantic potential. How do you women do it?
7. Putting Hair In Ponytail
Weird, but yes. Men are so used to seeing women with their hair up, prim and proper. But it’s something about a girl dressing casual and comfortable that makes a man comfortable as well.
Now that we’ve let the cats out of the bag, don’t try too hard to incorporate all of the secrets into your everyday routine. It’s the natural motions that catch your man’s eye.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to Tame A Man

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1OOk, this is a loose blog entry. I'm still learning but one thing I have noticed is, a man's bi polar behavior when it comes to relationships. Men are very bi polar when it comes to women and especially relationships. He loves me/he loves me not, say it ladies! It's a constant battle with these men. One day they want you and the next day they hate you. Men are supreme for having love/hate relationships. The best way to keep them in check and tame that beast is, to be a model for the behavior you would like to see. In other words, be consistent with your emotions, requirements, and needs. If you maintain yourself, and you don't allow yourself to be swayed , he can't do anything but correspond.

Last but not least, in words of my former homegirl, "how you choose your man is the same method you use to choose your friends". Be sure to stay away from friends who are bi polar as well. If you have friends that don't show you love nor make you smile and friends who bring you down, then wa-la, you will also have a man that does the same. To be loved requires love all the way around. It means having good friends around you as we'll

That's all for now ladies. lol

checking owt!

Follow me @maletalk101 and if you can't find us, try using the email address to locate us ;)

Men Secretly Adore Us

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Let me tell you something about a man! He is too cool for school and he knows it.
Men are so busy trying to maintain their cool calm and collectedness that, they hide their true feelings , in order to conceal them, ohhh but deep inside, they're seething! Just look for the micro signs and read between the hidden lines. Men love us, don't get it twisted. They need and love us. There are always signs. They are too proud to admit it, for the very same reasons I mentioned in my blog yesterday, "power". A man will not reveal his hand and risk the power he has gained. Not never. Men play it cool, to remain in control.

Scenario: I was out with some friends this weekend and one pal brought along a guy friend that she grew up with. He was viciously attracted to me; I could see it in his eyes, not to mention his constant striking of conversation with me. It was so cute! Anywho, he sort of ended up getting on my nerves towards the end of the night, with his playful, immature nature and things went a little sour from there. He brought drinks for me and a friend, and he also shared his food. I ended up saying something to him, playfully and he reacted in a odd way. He went on to call me a Kardashin woman and rude and everything else. We clearly got into it after he stepped out of line. He then went on to say that he really appreciated me allowing him to hang out with me and my friends and that he thought I was cool and that he was attracted to me and blah , blah , blah
So he said all of that to confirm that my " high and mighty" attitude was legit in the first place. Here I was honoring myself and being a lady and he tried to take that away from me by calling me rude , etc only to tell me that he appreciated being in my presence and that he was attracted to me in the end.

Point of the story is this, he only had a problem with my queenliness because he couldn't give it to me himself. Once he saw that he had hurt my feelings, he then went on to tell me how honored he was to have been around me. You see what I mean, men love us! They feel honored to be around us. They like us and they want us. Lets get it right, men need us, just as much as we need them or even more than we need them. Don't be fooled by their cool guy act, they are for us 100%.

Keep your head held high!

Don't forget to follow me @maletalk101

We Analyze The Disconnections

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Why is it that, when it comes to love/ matters of the heart, we only remember the connections we have with our significant others. Yes connections are a good thing, of course but when it's over , it's over and if he's not acting right , then he just ain't acting right. What about those disconnections, which we refuse to acknowledge? Why do we pay so much attention to the connections only, when the signs read otherwise? If you have a connection with someone and all of their actions show you that, then you're safe. However, if you have a connection with someone and you know he just ain't right, perhaps you need to go deeper. Analyze the disconnections. When there are contradictions that support the connection, I believe one has just connected. In other words, there is a difference between "we connected" and "we have a connection". The difference is while you may have connected with a man , there was no deep seething ordained actions, to cause for a connection to be sustained.
Why do we hold on to our "connections" that we feel we have established with men, when every feeling we have is contradictory and quite the opposite. When this contradiction occurs , understand that, you have only connected , no connection was established. When you feel you two sooooo connected, and you're alone or without , then you need to analyze the disconnections immediately. How did you two disconnect?

Follow the blog @maletalk101

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Fear vs Panic

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O The pastor preached a good sermon this past Sunday about fear vs panic.

The pastor states: fear is one thing and panic is another. While fear will cause you to protect yourself, panic will cause you to lose yourself.

I interpret this as, when you have some level of fear, that's good because, it causes a fight or flight reaction. You will protect your territory and fight for yourself but when you panic, you become paranoid and that's never good because that's when you begin to lose yourself.

While in a relationship, a little fear is always good but paranoia will only take you further away from reality and drive you crazy in the end. Don't be paranoid , be protective!

For more sermons , catch Bishop Noel Jones @ City of Refuge in Gardena,CA

Follow the blog @maletalk101

Never Give Your Power Away

Power: 1 a (1) : ability to act or produce an effect (2) : ability to get extra-base hits (3) : capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect
b : legal or official authority, capacity, or right
2 a : possession of control, authority, or influence over others
b : one having such power; specifically : a sovereign state
c : a controlling group : establishment — often used in the phrase the powers that be
d archaic : a force of armed men
e chiefly dialect : a large number or quantity
3 a : physical might
b : mental or moral efficacy
c : political control or influence

Power! It's a funny game. It's something that is played often in matters of love. Don't get it twisted. The sAying is, "All is fair In love and War". Meaning= whatever it takes to gain your power is whatever it takes and winning someone's heart and or a war can mean being deceitful, manipulative , seductive and dirty but in the end, it's all fair because people do it, to win.

Men are about power and it doesn't mean they don't love nor like because they do but those emotions are so intense that, they use power moves to stay in control. It's better to be in control and gain power , rather then being an emotional basket case. Men learn what their power is with a woman early on and they do not give it Away. They will find out what makes you needy of them; what compliments you fish for ; what makes you insecure; what your standards are; etc once they find this owt, it's , boom! KO!! They will not give up whatever it is that hooks you and keeps you coming back for more!

Ladies , find out what your power is. What makes him weak in the knees and keeps him coming back for more? Once you know what it is , do not give that power away. I once had a friend and Soror who was dating a dude and he would complain and complain about how she was emotionally detached. I quickly told her to lighten up just a little , so that she doesn't run him away, but to also hold on to her detached nature because that is her power and it clearly keeps him coming back for more and more!! "Do not give up your power", is what I said! They never do. If a man finds out what drives you crazy, believe you me, he definitely won't be giving his best card away anytime soon.

Never throw away your best card nor reveal your best hand, so whatever it is that he really wants, really needs or is intrigued by, you have that upper hand ;)

Follow me @maletalk101

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Difference Between Romance Confidence and General Confidence

General confidence vs romance confidence, is there a difference?
Yep there is. The difference is, one requires positive/ healthy self concept, in general and the other requires believing that you are worthy of being had and believing that you're a catch.

Many people have high self esteem and low romance esteem, while others have high romance esteem and low self esteem. One can also have a combination of both, low self esteem and low romance esteem or high self esteem and high romance esteem. I'm here to talk about people with low romance esteem. When you have low romance esteem , it doesn't mean that, you don't necessarily feel good about yourself. In fact , all that means is that you don't value yourself and or you don't honor your worth. When you don't have high dating esteem, you will not value yourself enough, ever! You won't have standards and you will allow yourself to be manipulated out of them once you set your standards. You have to know your worth, otherwise noone else will and people will be able to talk you out of your value.
A person with high romance esteem will value themselves and know that they are worth being with. You are worth all of your standards, so stop punishing yourself.

Feel good about yourself and have high romance esteem, so that you too can attract a beautiful relationship.

Do not, I repeat, do not take scraps from a man!

Follow me @maletalk101

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Men , Men , Men & And Their Many Excuses

Lets start there!

Men don't have excuses, they make them. In fact, there's a saying that says, " success occurs when you stop making excuses". When a man wants success, he plots and plans, until he can achieve his goal. A man with an excuse is a man that doesn't really want you nor care to meet your needs. Men are naturally equipped to be action oriented. A man with excuses would simply being going against his natural order to be active. Never except a mans excuses because men are programmed to find a way. A man with an excuse is simply communicating that, he doesn't care that much and isn't willing to try and meet your needs. When a man gives an excuse, he's already communicated what he really feels. Don't buy into a mans excuses. Listen, everyone has an excuse from time to time, but there is a clear difference between trying and then delivering an excuse for why you can't do something , verses not trying to make a way and just using a plain ass excuse, to cop out from being responsible

Follow me @maletalk101

If A Man Can't Do For You (Ta hell with him)

I say this fiercely but deep down I believe that we should first pray for our blessings.

I go on to say, what purpose does a man serve in your life?! Is he a friend? Homey lover friend? Lover? Supplier? Associate? Acquaintance ? Colleague? Co-worker?! Neighbor? Date? boyfriend? Husband? friend? Facebook friend? Classmate? Or nothing at all? Who is he? And what's his point of departure?

Know the purpose that any man plays in your life. Categorize him now and categorize him fast, otherwise your work will be cut out for you. I say to know what part a man plays in your life, because it will save you a lot of heartache and frustration in the end. =no surprises.

It's also good to know where a man should be placed in your life, for example, in the front row, middle row , or last row. Any man in your life must have something to offer, otherwise he needs to be in the overflow section. If a man is in your life and he cannot do anything for you , if say, you're in a bind, then he needs to go because he serves no purpose. If a man can't do anything for you, then what's his purpose for him having a front row seat! Save that for the worthy guys.
And for all the guys taking a sneak peak at this blog, no , this isn't a gold digger anthem. Men don't keep women around that serve no purpose in their life.
So to that I say, If he can't do anything for you and serves no purpose, he must go>>>> and go now

Follow me @maletalk101

Be All The Way Committed Or All The Way Free!

Listen , why be kind of single? or semi taken?

Forget that, if you're going to be with a guy , be with a man all the way! No insecurities, no commitment questions, no doubts, no cries , just all love 😍😘😍😘

But if you're going to be single , then be just that , single, free 💃🆓 have fun , live!
Don't be sort of dating someone or kind of in a relationship! Forget that, be all the way single or all the way committed.

Which means this:

A) when you are in a committed relationship that man should be all the way in, all feet in , and be totally committed to your relationship. No questions , no doubts , no fear , etc

B) if you are single , be free, easy and breezy! Don't fall for a guy you don't have and do not have a fantasy relationship in your head. Do not wonder why he hasn't called, why he left, why he won't commit nor wonder where his support and chivalry behavior is.
If you want to be taken, make sure you're happy and if you're single , be free and also happy.

Remember, it's best to be single and happy, rather than taken and frustrated!

Follow me @maletalk101

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How A Man Thinks

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Ladies, if you want to know how a man thinks, study him. Study men. Study , study , study! Listen to documentaries, read male magazines and guy books. Think like a man. Watch a man! Love a man. Once you go into their world of how they figure stuff out, you will then know how they think.

Follow me @maletalk101

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Be A Heartbreaker Figuratively


Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun
But baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run
Rule number two, just don't get attached to
Somebody you could lose
So le-let me tell you

This is how to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
How to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you
At least I think I do

Cause I lo-lo-lo-love you

Rule number three, wear your heart on your cheek
But never on your sleeve, unless you wanna taste defeat
Rule number four, gotta be looking pure
Kiss him goodbye at the door, and leave him wanting more, more

This is how to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing lo-lo-love you
How to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing lo-lo-love you
At least I think I do

Cause I lo-lo-love you

Girls, we do, whatever it will take
Cause girls don't want, we don't want our hearts to break in two
So it's better to be fake, can't risk losing
In love again, ba-abe

This is how to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing lo-lo-love you
How to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing lo-lo-love you

Cause I lo-lo-lo-love you

At least I think I do

Follow me @maletalk101

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

If He Doesn't Want You

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O In the book, "Why Men Love Bitches", it states that, the bitch could care less if a man doesn't want her, because she doesn't want anyone who doesn't want her! There's a song that explains this very well and it's called , "Two Many Fish In The Sea", written by Marvalettes Remember the chorus of this song. The song is below.

Take this advice, and remember always in life:

Into each heart some tears must fall
Though you love and lose, you must stand tall
'Cause we all got to cry sometimes
I said, sigh sometimes
Pull yourself together
No use crying forever
Because there's too many fish in the sea
Too many fish in the sea
I said, there's short ones, tall ones, fine ones, kind ones
Too many fish in the sea

My mother once told me something
And every word is true
Don't waste your time on a fella
Who doesn't love you
He'll only mislead you
Only grieve you
Don't worry about him
Do without him
Because there's too many fish in the sea
Too many fish in the sea
I said, there's short ones, tall ones, fine ones, kind ones
Too many fish in the sea

Well, if the fish isn't on your line
Bait your hook and keep on trying
Don't let him get you down
There's other boys around
Because there's too many fish in the sea
Too many fish in the sea
I said, there's short ones, tall ones, fine ones, kind ones
Too many fish in the sea

I don't want nobody that don't want me
'Cause there's too many fish in the sea
Ain't gonna love nobody that don't love me, now
'Cause there's too many fish in the sea
I don't need nobody that don't need me
'Cause there's too many fish in the sea
I don't want nobody that don't love me, now
'Cause there's too many fish in the sea

Sing it!

Please remember this, if a man doesn't want you, then you don't want him either. That's how you get your power back, staying 100% confident! When I was younger , I use to argue with guys who clearly had crushes on me and would try and insult me, also known as, neg and love taps , and I would defend my stance but now that I'm 30, I ask myself why I even bothered? I know my worth . I know who I am. No man can take them from me. They may have tried , due to their own insecurities but in the end, they lost. You don't have to argue with a man nor defend your beauty because in the end , time heals and time will also show you the truth. Just rely on time, like you do in the end , because time rules in the end. Stand back and know that you don't want anybody who doesn't want you because there's too many fish in the sea! Pick your choice. The world is an ocean ;)

And ladies don't forget to follow male decode @maletalk

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Man's Reverse Psychology

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O I believe that God puts Noone who dislikes you in your path to help you. If a person dislikes you, then most likely they cant do a damn thing for you! With that being said, the same applies for men. Men know women are powerful and so what they do is, give you the cold shoulder , keep you at arms length , ignore you, play hard to get games, in order to keep you dangling and coming back for more! It's a reverse psychology tactic. The less interested they are in you, the more interested you are in them. It's a game. Men do this to keep themselves from succumbing to a woman's power and seduction , therefore, they are able to continue playing women and getting what they want from women. If men let you know what your power was, then there would be no more chess games nor power struggles. There would be millions of blue balls and broken souls. Men don't want you to know this , therefore they play reverse psychology games. I personally believe that, men who Mistreat you, play you, lie to you, are emotionally unavailable , negative , lack chivalrous behavior are only acting as a smoke screen to prevent you from seeing the facts. The fact of the matter is, a man who is throwing nothing but shade, rejection and disses has nothing , absolutely nothing to offer you! That is the reason for his smoke screen behavior. He wants to keep you guessing , so that you are distracted by what's really going on and that's absolutely nothing! If a man can help you, and add to your life to make it better , he will be easy to understand , lovely to take home, a gentleman= no drama! A man with something to offer will be of no drama because has no reason to play games nor bring hell to your life , spiritually and emotionally , because he has much to Bring to the table. Once a pon a time , I dated a horrible Leo guy for about five seconds and he was broke suddenly and picked a fight with me and as a result , we did not go out. My friend suggested that he was broke and was picking a fight because he didn't have the decency to tell me he didn't have any money to take me out. Come to find out , she was right and he admitted it. He picked a fight , insulted me , said untruthful things about me and confused the hell out of me , manipulated me, all because he didn't have any money and was at a lost. What a petty demon spawn. Reverse psychology ! A real man with something going for his self doesn't have time for that. Remember that. If he's dissing you, confusing you, stressing you , cheating on you , making your life a living hell or mistreating you , and rejecting you, then most likely , he's simply doing those things because he can't do anything for you and he has nothing to offer.

Ladies , follow my new twitter page